Make your own wildflower patch to help improve biodiversity. Wildflowers are at risk, mainly due to human activities and environmental changes. 97% of wildflower meadows have been lost in the UK since the 1930s.
Conservation efforts are growing but there’s still a lot of work to be done. Wildflowers are essential to the health of ecosystems, so it’s important we try to safeguard them.
Wildflower seed bombs are a creative way to introduce native plants into an ecosystem and help transform neglected or urbanized spaces into vibrant, green areas supporting local wildlife like bees and butterflies. Make sure you choose native wildflower seeds.

1. Mix a ratio of 3 cups of compost to 1 cup of flour.
2. Carefully add the native wildflower seeds to prevent any getting damaged.
3. Add water to be able to mold to small hand sized balls roughly 3cm – 5 cm width.
4. Leave out to dry for 24 hours
5. The best time to throw the wildflower bomb is when its due to rain.
6. Make sure you have permission to throw them.
The goal of making these wildflower seed bombs is to help encourage positive behavioural changes that promote environmental conservation sustainability. Individuals are encouraged to foster a deeper connection with nature, inspire action, and help protect the environment.

Causes of wildflower loss
Majors risks to wildflowers are habitat loss, climate change, invasive species and pollution.
Habitat loss of forests, meadows, and grasslands cause wildflower habitats to be destroyed or fragmented. This is due to urban development, agriculture, and industrial expansion.
Climate Change has declined wildflower populations. Many are not able to adapt quickly enough to the shifts in temperature and rainfall patterns. However, they are more resilient to droughts or other extreme weather events compared to cultivated plants making their prevalence even more important.
Introduced by humans invasive Species including Non-native plants, animals, and insects can outcompete native wildflowers, often taking over ecosystems and reducing biodiversity.
Increasing Air, water, and soil pollution including the use of pesticides has harmed wildflower populations, as this makes it difficult for them to thrive and reproduce.
Wildflowers are super important for several reasons, both for the environment and for human well-being. Here are a few key points:
They provide habitats and food for a variety of pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds, helping to maintain the balance of ecosystems. They help pollinate many crops we rely on for food, boosting agricultural productivity. They also support soil health by preventing soil erosion, enrich the soil with nutrients, and support other plants that grow in the same areas.