Sustain 2 Remain – Season 1, Ep 4 – Green Fashion?
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Check out the rest of our podcast episodes below! Browse some of our sustainability blogs here!
Check out the rest of our podcast episodes below! Browse some of our sustainability blogs here!
Check out the rest of our podcast episodes below! Browse some of our sustainability blogs here!
Check out the rest of our podcast episodes below! Browse some of our sustainability blogs here!
Check out the rest of our podcast episodes below! Browse some of our sustainability blogs here!
Welcome to Sustain 2 Remain, a student podcast series at the University of Worcester. Change Today to Protect Tomorrow Sustain 2 Remain is a podcast from the University of Worcester that helps you discover practical… Sustain 2 Remain
The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world. As fast fashion slowly claims more of the planet’s resources, it’s vital that we begin making the switch to more sustainable fashion.
The University of Worcester is collaborating with Sanctuary Group and Worcester Students’ Union to make Carbon Literacy training available to staff, students and customers across both organisations. The next course is running November/December 2023 contact… Carbon Literacy On-line Training
Activities included: much needed cuddle time with therapy dogs, plant give-aways, live vegan cooking, seed bomb making and much more…
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used to help limit the spread of infectious diseases to others and the wearer. It is widely used throughout healthcare sectors which come into contact with blood and other bodily fluids. Studies suggest that if each person in the UK wore a single-use face mask every day for 1 year, over 66,000 tonnes of unrecyclable plastic waste would be generated.
Sustainable travel includes almost all of the alternatives to using a car. This includes cycling, walking, taking the bus, train, tram or metro. All of these transport methods create less pollution than individuals driving cars. But unfortunately, sustainable travel still isn’t accessible to everyone.
Plastic waste is a huge issue for our planet. With plastic bottles taking up to 450 years to decompose, plastic waste can cause serious and long-lasting damage to our ecosystems.
Before throwing a broken item away, consider taking it to a repair cafe. Repair cafes are meeting places where you’ll find tools, materials and volunteers to help you make any repairs you might need, free of charge.
Worcester has its very own zero waste shop called Pack It In. Pack It In sells a wide range of products. From grains, baking ingredients and herbs, to personal care and home products, Pack It In sells everything you need.
How to travel more sustainably by University of Worcester student Joseph Foster (BA English Literature, Year 2) How to travel more sustainably Everyone wishes they could get to where they are going just that little… How to travel more sustainably and get to your lectures 21x faster
Arriving to a new city and starting a new job, even if it is a temporary assignment always brings new experiences. I got those new experiences when I arrived to University of Worcester this September, as… e-biking for the first time – personal reflections
Another workshop I attended today was Creative Activism (We are all craftivists!), which certainly appealed to me because getting a point across in a creative way is more beneficial. Inclusion was the main theme of… Time to be craftivists!
During the Bristol Student Sustainability Summit, I had a workshop about how to incorporate sustainability into our curriculum and help change my course. Its not as long- winded as it sounds! We started off learning… Could I help to change my course?
Workshop number two at Bristols Student Sustainability Summit! This workshop caught my eye, not only have I now developed my knowledge about sustainability, Charlotte and Josh from IEMA’s, (The Institute of Enviromental Management and Assessment)… Painting your pathway to Green Jobs: Sustainability
Earthlings I am lucky enough to be at my Second Student Sustainability Summit lead by EAUC, People and Planet and NUS. Being brought together, student with student we questioned: Is there a link between health,… Healthy Planet Healthy People