Category: Community

Local Nature Recovery Strategies in Worcestershire (LNRS)

Local Nature Recovery Strategies in Worcestershire (LNRS): Students Fraser Milligan, Owen Pugh, Victor Radina, Kevin Siegall created a project on their recommendations for a Local Nature Recovery Strategy in Worcestershire. Their goal: “To provide recommendations to the Worcestershire LNRS Preparation Team for how access and perceptions of local green spaces can be enhanced alongside habitat creation and restoration.” What do… Read more →

Illustration of worcester for clean air day

Combating Air Pollution: “Clean Air Day in Worcester”

Air pollution is not a localised issue, but a global threat with far-reaching consequences. Taking these proactive measures can pave the way for a healthier, cleaner, and more sustainable future. Written by Emily Luan. First look into air pollution as a global issue Air pollution is not a localised issue, but a global threat with far-reaching consequences. The uncontrolled release… Read more →

Earth Day at The Hive

Green Impact Project Assistants helped with activities at The Hive’s annual Earth Day celebrations. Written by Katy Boom. Edited by Rosie Bramwell. Green Impact Project Assistants helped with a range of Go Green Week activities at The Hive’s annual Earth Day celebrations and the launch of their Sustainability Festival. This extremely successful event, a highlight in their calendar, attracted around… Read more →

SusThingsOut’s impacts through Social media

SusThingsOut (STO) is a multi-media platform, spanning from the website to social media platforms like Instagram and more recently, TikTok. All these platforms serve a different purpose when it comes to educating people about sustainability on and off campus. In the last calendar year, SusThingsOut has amassed 4500 new viewers on the website. With the highest number of visitors coming… Read more →

Above and beyond with Heather Sykes

Heather Sykes, a recent Worcester graduate, sat down with us to talk about the work she did alongside her studies. From being a Sustainability Mentor and Student Ambassador to hosting Bird-Drawing Workshops, Heather was always on the move. Written and interviewed by Rosie Bramwell. A bit about Heather Heather Sykes is a recent graduate from the University of Worcester who… Read more →

Green Living in Worcester

Green Living in Worcester – Research done by and written by Mario Barberio, Kaeden Berry, Quincy Payne, and Roshini Uthayakumar, edited and co-written by Heather Sykes   Almost everyone in the UK is now aware of the severe impact climate change is having on our world. Many of us are switching to the phrase climate emergency or catastrophe because there… Read more →

‘A Radical Shift is Required’ to save the NHS!

Chair of the NHS Confederation says that ‘A Radical Shift is Required’ in order to save our NHS. Lord Victor Adebowale CBE came back for the annual Worcester Cathedral and University of Worcester Lecture: “Is the NHS sick?”. Written by Rosie Bramwell. Graphics by Lovro Fučkar. Interviews conducted by Fay Askew. Lord Victor Adebowale CBE, is came to Worcester on… Read more →

Carbon Literacy In Worcestershire Libraries

Carbon Literacy In Worcestershire Libraries written by Heather Sykes, a project led by students Lauren Balukonis, Adam Marsh, Amy Ngan, and Blake Pedersen in 2022, and a further project led by students Shannon Daly, Thomas Lamar, Reyna Loycano, and Kerri Thornton in 2023. Carbon Buzzwords The language around sustainability is ever-changing to keep up with the changing world and environment.… Read more →

Black and white picture of a train on the track at a railway station.

Britain’s 2nd University Station: will it be Worcester?

Britain’s 2nd University Station: will it be Worcester? research done by and written by Jake Byrnes, Nicole Dressler, Mionna Green, Nick Stone, and Elisabeth Whittemore, edited and co-written by Heather Sykes Background  Public transportation is often used by those who commute to school or work for reasons such as time, cost, or flexibility. Trains are a cost-effective and more environmentally… Read more →

Cost of Living Energy Saving Tips For Students

Cost of Living Energy Saving Tips For Students written by Daniel Bridges and edited by Heather Sykes On the evening of Tuesday 24th of January, I had the pleasure of interviewing a retired local engineer, Paul Brohan. Paul, being an engineer by trade, understands the energy crisis we face better than most. A key member of Transition Worcester’s Energy group, helps… Read more →

Indra Blue Logo

Driving for Sustainability with Electric Vehicles

Driving for Sustainability with Electric Vehicles written by Ari Bissoondial, Katy Hartmann, Sage Ortega-Shue, Jolie Walts and edited by Heather Sykes. Graphic by Ira Spiridonova. The UK has set some aims to work on improving sustainability in the country. One goal is to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 to cut down the effects of climate change. At the moment, the… Read more →

Illustration of a Blue tit on a branch

Bird Watching For Well-being at Worcester

Bird Watching For Well-being at Worcester written by and images by Heather Sykes Dr Mike Wheeler is the Head of Biological Sciences and Principal Lecturer in Biology at the University of Worcester has brought bird-watching for well-being to campus, he writes about it in this blog. Well-being at uni is key. The University of Worcester encourages students to take care… Read more →

• Chrissy and Michael Bentley from the Farmers Overseas Action Group

Global Development in a Post-COVID-19 World

In March this year, the Department of Geography at the University of Worcester held its annual public conference that focuses on a specific theme in global development. The conference, organised collaboratively with the local Beacons Development Education Centre, was attended by students from across the university, as well as University staff, Beacons volunteers, members of the public, and representatives from… Read more →