Author: Heather Barrett

Are Students Learning enough about Sustainable Development (SDGs)?

Are students learning about sustainability in the curriculum at University? Using a benchmarking tool we looked at how much your University has embedded the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also looked at our participation in the annual SDG Teach In. Written by Heather Barrett & Katy Boom. Edited by Rosie Bramwell. The SDGs are a collection of 17 goals to… Read more →

Pin-point icon on Worcestershire shown on a UK map, with the text "The current situation" within the pin-point.

Post-Covid impacts on sustainability awareness and behaviours highlighted in student and staff surveys

In 2023 the surveys with students and staff were repeated. Response rates were very low for students n=281 and n=380 for staff. The extremely low student response rate may be a post-Covid symptom. Sustainability awareness and behaviours amongst staff and students have changed in 2023 compared to previous years. With 87% of students declaring they are very or somewhat committed… Read more →

Students sign up for sustainability!

In the 2021-22 academic year, around 100 students signed up to become involved in the University’s sustainability activities throughout the year.  In order to both help promote sustainability and enhance their CVs, opportunities to sign up for paid jobs, volunteering activities and placements were popular.  The other most popular choice (62% signing up) was involvement in Go Green Week in… Read more →