Going Green with Go Green Week 2022

Going Green with Go Green Week 2022

‘Go Green Week 2022’ comes from the incredible hard work of students and staff from Worcester University, ‘Sustainability Network’, who are passionate about bringing positive change to our environment through sustainability.

Sustainability seems to be trendy at the moment and I wish it never dies. If everyone was a bit more cautious about their environmental impact, it could significantly reduce the damage we cause to our planet.

The interactive activities were ideal for anyone keen to be more sustainable on a budget, and addressed issues such as: food waste, ethical sourcing with ‘Fair Trade Foundation’, local endangered species by encouraging gardening, awareness of wildlife and sustainable methods of food preservation.

Our young visitors from Oldbury Park Primary School were also very eager to get involved with therapy dogs from Pets As Therapy, sampling live vegan treats, making seed bombs and much more.

The image shows stacked cardboard boxes of varying sizes with different indoor plants in them, against a white and green floral background. The 4 sides of the boxes are white, orange, green and blue with text and graphics.
Plants to be given-away at Go Green Week 2022 (photo by Phoebe West)

This voluntary experience has been personally rewarding and has contributed towards my Journalism degree, by giving me opportunities to develop my communication skills and expand my social network.

Every day offered something new, keeping me on my toes and teaching me to be more attentive and flexible within a team.

What stood out to me was the warm and passionate community, and as the week came to a close, I felt inspired to get more involved in the university’s environmental efforts, and hold myself to a higher sustainable standard.

Children from Oldbury Primary School standing around a wooden table, holding up white paper cups bird feed like they are giving a toasting, a woman in a long brown coat stands at the head of the table and holds her white cup to toast them back.
Oldbury Primary Schoolers making bird feeders during Go Green Week 2022 (photo by Phoebe West)

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2 years ago

Jerusha, it\’s great to hear how inspirational you found participating in this year\’s Go Green Week. Many thanks for your super support!

Heather Barrett
2 years ago

Great to see all the pupils of Oldbury Park at GGW – they really demonstrated good knowledge of waste and recycling knowing what goes in which bin and where to recycle items such as batteries.

S Moule
S Moule
2 years ago

Our children at Oldbury Park love coming to Go Green Week. They are so enthusiastic about making our planet a better place to live in and it’s great to take part in activities which endorse this.

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