Skills for Tomorrow: The world of tomorrow!

Today Skills for Tomorrow is at Worcester University, an event aimed at school aged children, about everything sustainable! I have spoken to many students from different schools who are enthusiastic, energetic, and passionate about the enviroment, even at such a young age, How wonderful! I have spoken to three Students and they were keen to help me with my blog, they collaberated and wrote one together!

This is now Chloe, Susie and Tiggies blog post soley, not mine, I take no credit for their wonderful words! Have a read below!

We are at skills for tomorrow today and I have learnt alot! There was a very interesting talk about a sky walk which I think would be an excellent idea. There are also many other interesting things such as what is going on in the thermal imaging camera. This was cool and also I liked the robot in the world of tomorrow! I think as a community we will have to do more for our environment to stop things such as deforestation and more importantly, global warming, so I think the word of tomorrow will be better if we were all more eco-friendly.


Chloe: In the world of tomorrow there will be new opportunities for all of us, we have made business cards in a workshop for things that do not (yet) exist. However one day they just might! I made a card for a hover craft tester because this could actually exist, there are some out there. I would like a better future, and my dream career is to be a marine biologist!

Susie: In the world of tomorrow there will be amazing and interesting opportunities in the future for everyone. I have made a business card today for something future related. I made a business card for a self walking camera. By the way I have aspirations for a better future and would like to be a scientist relating to human and animals. That is my dream for tomorrow. If we all dream together, we can achieve!


Tiggy: In the world of tomorrow the environment is very important to me, In skills for tomorrow I noticed lot more, it educated me alot, I guess that was its purpose. I saw lots of things today like skywalk that Worcester is proposing, the history of Worcester before, Worcester now, and future Worcester! And a lot more interesting things such as repair cafes, Worcester roots foundation, and a 3D printer!


It’s Me again, Morgan, I am just amazed that the students have taken so much from this event!

Bring on the rest of the event!

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Connor Mattson
Connor Mattson
9 years ago

Great to hear what the students had to say about the event! The business card activity sounds like an awesome idea. Can’t wait to see how the second day plays out!

Rachel Smith
Rachel Smith
9 years ago

Had such a fun time the first day of the skills for tomorrow exhibition! I’m so excited for the Friday to motivate the students to go green. This is such a great opportunity and I am glad to be part of it.

Morgan Koronis
Morgan Koronis
9 years ago
Reply to  Rachel Smith

I too had a fun day, thanks for the comment! I am with you on that one! It is such a fantastic opportunity and I am honoured to be part of it, influencing young people of today with positivity as they are the people of tomorrow.

9 years ago

Great ideas for the world of tomorrow! Glad you learnt a lot at SfT and hope you are keen to come back next year!

9 years ago

What a great idea for an activity!! Some great messages came out of the newspaper cuttings and our ideas. Wonder what would we think if we read them 30 years from now…

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