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Thursday 8th June 2017 Zara Guest and Mya Year 8 Aston Fields Middle School Today was very fun and interesting. First we had a talk from a lady who’s business turns old fishing nets into… 🙂


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We are Jasmine and Lauren from Aston Fields Middle. We are in year eight. We have many hobbies, among which dance, horse riding and design. Today so far, we have designed  a healthy pudding. We… SkillsForTomorrow


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Hi guys! Our names are Abbie and Millie and we take a interest in sport and science. We go to Aston Fields Middle School. we are 13 and best friends.   So today we explored… TheSportsBlog

Elective Modules

be challenged, be inspired, be creative, be innovative, be employable, be outstanding … Why choose an Elective module at Level 5? Looking for something to make your degree stand out? As a single honours student you… Elective Modules

Go Green Week – Repair Cafe

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As part of the final day of University of Worcester’s Go Green Week events, which focused on promoting sustainable initiatives to students, Friday saw the volunteers from Malvern Hills Repair Café take over the SU… Go Green Week – Repair Cafe