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Wildflower Seed Bombs

Make your own wildflower patch to help improve biodiversity. Wildflowers are at risk, mainly due to human activities and environmental changes. 97% of wildflower meadows have been lost in the UK since the 1930s. Conservation… Wildflower Seed Bombs

Sustainable Eating

Sustainable Food

If one of your New Year’s Resolutions, like mine, was to eat more sustainably then keep reading. And if it wasn’t, then you might just find some useful tips here to enhance your sustainable food… Sustainable Food

A person thinking, with a thought bubble above their head.

Sustain 2 Remain

Welcome to Sustain 2 Remain, a student podcast series at the University of Worcester. Change Today to Protect Tomorrow Sustain 2 Remain is a podcast from the University of Worcester that helps you discover practical… Sustain 2 Remain

Green Skills and Careers

Worcester Polytechnic Institute University students Athina Koutougka, Max Maria,​Matthew Urrea, Alexander Zhang created a Green Skills workshop guiding the promotion of a sustainable future. The goal: to improve knowledge and interest in green skills and… Green Skills and Careers

Earth Day at The Hive

Green Impact Project Assistants helped with activities at The Hive’s annual Earth Day celebrations. Written by Katy Boom. Edited by Rosie Bramwell. Green Impact Project Assistants helped with a range of Go Green Week activities… Earth Day at The Hive